Wednesday, April 2, 2008

I am Woman.

I went to an institute activity last Saturday. It was a big step for me, as I am quite uncomfortable at those kinds of functions. Luckily, there were some women there that I already know and like. I was also able to meet more. I can’t say the same on the male side of the spectrum.

One portion of the activity was for the women to fill out surveys, they would be read aloud, and then the men would bid for a ‘date’ with them. (Date = eating hot dogs and burgers together.) One of the questions was, “What Disney princess would you be, and why?” My answer? “Mulan, because she’s her own woman.”

When my answer was read aloud, one of the men said, “Well, that’s a turn off.” Laughter and agreement. I should have said, “And so is that.” Do men still honestly want a woman that will bat her huge eyelashes at him and say, “Oh, I’m so weak and helpless! Can you show me the way?”? If that is true, I will never marry again. I will not become subject to someone else’s whims again. Never.


Hear me roar.
I am independent. Capable. Strong. Smart.
I don’t need you to survive.
I am feminine. Soft. Gentle. Beautiful.
My love is priceless and enduring.

I will not change for you. I am me.
I am my own woman. A unique pillar of strength.
I have survived. I will survive. I will prosper.
And you can’t stop me.
And you won’t stop me.

So go stuff it.


Megan said...

You go girl! Roar!

Jan said...

Yay for you. You are 100% right on the money. Stick to your guns. You deserve much better than "well, that's a turn off!" What a jerk that guy is.

. . . . . . . . . said...

Good girl. And feel free to tell those jerks that they're a turn off anyway. Just 'cause you didn't get to tell them at the activity doesn't mean they don't need a swift kick in the pants.

tiburon said...

Good for you!

Rebecca said...

Good thing he said that.. you could weed him out right away. Arse. Roooar baby!

Chris and Tara Mason said...

You know what - that guy deserves a wimpy woman! After living with her for a year then he'll wish that he had hooked up with a stronger female!