Sunday, April 20, 2008

Got Tagged

I got tagged by Megan. You should check out her blog, she's hilarious.

The rules are as follows:
1. Link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

Here's my 7 facts:

1. I'm not a grown-up. I always considered my siblings "grown up" when they were taller than my mom. My mom is 5'2". I'm 5'1/2". Meh.

2. When I was little, I couldn't last longer than about 15 minutes in a car trip without having to use the bathroom. Thus, I earned the title of potty princess. One day, one of my family members suggested that I should start rating the restrooms, since I'd seen so many of them. So I did. I've started the process of creating a website for my ratings, complete with pictures!

3. I'm addicted to crochet. I buy magazines and check websites and drool over yarn. I have several projects in progress and dozens more in my mind. I'm an old woman in the making.

4. I love vegetables. But only if they're properly cooked. Canned veggies make me want to gag.

5. I need to reformat my laptop and reinstall Windows, but I'm intimidated by the task. I rely on my computer. I'm afraid I'll mess it up. Chris used to reformat our computers and would never show me how, so I'm not quite sure on the specifics. So things keep getting more buggy and I get more nervous.

6. My brain isn't working right now.

7. I have never actually been asked to go on a date.

I apologize for the lack of witty and/or amusing comments. (See #6.) I'm tagging Sarah, Rebecca, Tib, Natalie, Aunt Jan, and that's all the people I really know with blogs, so I guess I'm breaking a rule. Oh well. I am a rebel, you know.


. . . . . . . . . said...

Well...I knew about all of these except the grown-up one...which is really funny.

tiburon said...

You are too funny. I eagerly await your restroom website. I already did this is right here though :)

Unknown said...

fun facts!!! i'm a bathroom buff myself! :) and i want you to teach me to crochet.

i owe about 3 people this tag now. we'll see what i can muster up...

Megan said...

Aww shucks. You called me hilarious. Heh heh. Thanks for participating!

With your reasoning, I don't think I'll EVER be grown-up. My mom is... well I don't know but she's tall. I'm vertically challenged.