Sunday, January 13, 2008

There is no more intrepid explorer than a kitten. ~Jules Champfleury

No words ever expressed Blondie with more accuracy. Except perhaps "I love yarn!".

Blondie is around a year old, according to current estimations. Kittens "officially" become (adult) cats at 1 year, but I think Blondie will be a kitten for much, much longer.

Every time I go to a Petsmart, I pay a visit to the adoption center just to say hi to the kitties. I adopted Baxter, my best furry friend, from a Petsmart in Lubbock nearly 6 years ago.

I wasn't planning on adopting a kitten, but when I saw a teenie blonde kitten in the first cage, I was in love. She was going home with me. Since I am so very creative, I named her Blondie on the spot.

Blondie is a very interesting cat. She loves to chew and/or eat things like hair elastics, yarn, speaker wire, power cords, or any other cord known to man. She loves to play fetch with small foam balls. When I wake up every morning, Blondie is lying next to or on me - sometimes on my face. She purrs like mad for no apparent reason. Blondie often sleeps in the most contorted positions. She loves to explore the shower right after it's been vacated, but she hates getting a bath. When left unchecked, her claws become deadly weapons. When Blondie smells you, she puts her nose on you so you feel a little wet spot sniffing around. She comes bounding when called, which most cats don't do. If she finds that she's unable to get somewhere she wants to, she'll give a plaintive meow as if someone will come running to her rescue. Her fur is about the same color as my hair. If there's a paper bag around, Blondie is in it, no matter what the size. When she's sleeping, you can't help feeling peaceful.

I'm really glad I have her around.


Rebecca said...

I bet she's very glad to have you too. She's a cutie! I need to bring the kids over to see the kitties next time! Cute new blog look too!

Jan said...

Oh, she's a sweetie! I'm glad you get her too -- I wish we could have a cat. I have always loved them. And the new look is really cute!

Adam said...

It is always nice to have a pet around that doesn't talk back - even though there is still the litter-box thing to do.