Wednesday, January 30, 2008

RIP - Daewoo Lanos

The good news - No more Daewoo posts. The rest of it is bad news.

One the way to work yesterday, my car stalled as I was pulling into a gas station parking lot. The check oil light had gone on the night before, so I was planning on getting it changed during my conference period. When I tried to turn the car back on, it started, but made a terrible knocking noise and soon stalled again. A kind gentleman helped me check out my oil. I had enough oil, and it looked okay. He suggested it might be the oil pump. No such luck. Another guy came over and helped push my car the rest of the way into the parking spot. I had to call a co-worker to ask for a ride and left my car at the gas station.

I tried calling around to find a local garage that would look at the problem, but apparently no one services Daewoos but one dealership on the other side of town. I wasn't willing to risk driving it, so I had to get it towed.

This morning I got the call. The engine is shot - only $5k for a new engine or $3k for a used one. The car is actually worth $0. Zip. Nada. Even with a working engine. I owe less than a thousand dollars on the car, but I can't handle another car's monthly payment at least until that loan is gone (June 1). I might have to wait until I've paid off my back taxes too. (Long story.) I'm not exactly sure when that will be, but probably after June 1 as well.

So I'm officially carless. It's not that I'm all that upset that the Daewoo's dead. I'm just very frustrated at my financial situation. Not only do I have to keep paying for something I don't have, I owe the dealership for towing and diagnostic fees. I should be able to sell it to the junk yard for about $50 and they'll tow it away for me.

Sarah has graciously offered to carpool until I can afford to buy a car. I'm very thankful for her assistance, but I just can't help but feel defeated.


Jan said...

Oh man!! I am SO sorry about the dang car. I hate cars so much and I hate money just about as much. It's the old 'can't do with 'em/can't do without'em' thing and it gets you every time. I'm glad you have Sarah there-- she's a sweetie. Hang in there. Times will change and things will get better. Sigh. I'm sorry!!

Rebecca said...

RIP you piece of crap!!!!!! I'm sorry Rachel. That truly bites.
God Bless Sarah. I know she feels the same way about you. You've been there for her too.