Saturday, January 19, 2008

Hellboy Returns!

I'm a real fan of the powerful yet tortured hero with a big heart. Thus, my penchant for Batman movies, Firefly, X-Men, Trigun (anime), Rurouni Kenshin (anime), Lord of the Rings, and so forth.

After suffering through previews for crap like Ironman and The Ruins, up pops a preview for Hellboy II: The Golden Army. I seriously did a little dance in my seat. It took me a second to calm myself. I loved the first Hellboy movie and I have loved the character since I found out about it.

Once again, Guillermo del Toro will direct and Ron Perlman stars as Hellboy. It looks like all of the other characters are portrayed as the same actors as well. They've put out a lot of animated movies since the first live-action movie, so I guess the studios finally were up to doing another one. There's a pretty steady cult following.

Guillermo del Toro turned down directing jobs for Halo, I Am Legend, and Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince to direct Hellboy II. Wow.

I. am. excited. :D


Jan said...

Ron Perlman is awesome. You'll have to do a review!!

Rebecca said...

I never saw it. I might have to check it out.

. . . . . . . . . said...

Addict. The second I realized what the preview was for, I understood the chair dance. How 'bout using those free tickets to see this one?