Thursday, March 20, 2008

Thankful Thursday

Credits to Tib for the Thankful Thursday graphic and idea.

This is my first Thankful Thursday post. Not because I'm feeling particularly jubilant, quite the opposite. As I'm finding friends on facebook, I think about how my life is at this particular point in time. I am not happy where I am. I'm trying, but I'm waaaaaaaaaaaaay out of my comfort zone and incredibly far from where I wanted to be at this point in my life. So I figured that this would be the best time to start being thankful for what I have.

1. The gospel. Without it, I know that I would be an alcoholic, unemployed, addicted to drugs, or dead. My knowledge of the truth is what has kept me from ruining or taking my life. Some think that I am exaggerating. I am not.

2. My family. My family has always been there for me. I could not have made it through my divorce if it wasn't for their support. They lovingly consoled me and did everything they could to help me through it. I love spending time with them. Thinking of my nieces and nephews brings a smile to my heart.

3. Sarah. She opened up her home to me when I needed help the most. I've learned that it's not a good thing to live by myself. It's a bit "cozy" here, but it's worked out well for both of us. Sarah is also letting me share her car until I am able to buy my own in June. I always have a shoulder to cry on and an ear to listen. I also have someone who can tell me those things I need to hear that I may not want to hear. Getting to know Sarah better has been a great experience.

4. My health and health care. Sometimes I feel that my body is a wreck. With chronic sinus problems, allergies galore, asthma, hypothyroidism, PCOS, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and bipolar disorder, I think I have some justification for that feeling. However, I can walk. I can work. I can think. I can work with my hands. I could even run if someone was chasing me with a dangerous implement. I'm so grateful that I have access to great health care and I have great health insurance. My doctors and medicines have greatly improved my quality of life.

5. The internet. It's wonderful being able to find and keep in touch with people all over the world. I've been able to stay up to date with what's going on with my family. I just found my best friend from high school on facebook. It will be great to be able to see her again.

6. My job. I love my students. Some of them annoy the living crap out of me, but I love them anyway. I love teaching. The best part is the look in a student's eyes when they "get it", that glimmer of understanding. Planning the web mastering course is immensely difficult, as I am learning the topics, building resources, and creating the lessons all at once, but I am learning so much from doing it. Not to mention spring break, Christmas break, and summer :)

7. Crochet. I learned crochet from a book in college and haven't stopped since. Mom's attempt to teach me in high school didn't take. It seems I learn things best from books. I recently finished a gift for my upcoming nephew. Well, I have a sewing portion left to do, but you get the idea. I enjoy being able to make something beautiful from loops of yarn.

There. That's one for each day of the week. And I really do feel a bit better. I'll have to get more specific next time.


Unknown said...

great list! thanks for sharing it.

Jan said...

I loved your list. It's so good to be able to look and realize that there really are so many things to be grateful for. Your family is such a gift -- mine too!

Rebecca said...

I'm thankful for you :)

. . . . . . . . . said...

I'm thankful for you too, Rach. You're my very favorite baby sister of all. I wasn't sure how this was going to work out in the beginning, but it rocks!! Love you.

tiburon said...

Love your list - and I am really glad you are playing :)
It sure does help to see the good stuff going on around you

gumchain said...

I found your blog too. =) If you ever need something to help put a smile on your face, I find the Daily Puppy useful. For instance, check out this puppy:

=) Joanna