Monday, September 29, 2008


Dude. September 19? I can't believe I didn't post for so long. I check everyone else's blogs everyday, expecting updates but I don't put anything on mine? I guess I don't really think there's much that's "blogworthy" about my day-to-day.

On weekdays, I get up before the crack of dawn and spend 10-12 hours at work (4.5 hours actually teaching). By the end of the day, I'm so tired that I either hit a drive-thru on the way home or nuke a microwave meal. Monday night - take out recycling. Thursday night - download Naruto, take out trash.

On Friday nights, I relax as much as possible. I usually stay up too late. Computer games, video games, and DVDs are the usual fare.

On Saturdays, I run around like a chicken with its head cut off trying to get errands completed that were neglected during the week. This inevitably involves driving all over San Antonio. There is no such thing as a quick trip to Wal-Mart. My primary focus is getting things ready for the next week so my Sunday can be free.

Sunday is set aside for church and other worthy pursuits. I will confess that I haven't been going to church. I still feel uncomfortable. There are too many people in the singles' ward and I don't know very many of them. It would be better if I kept going, of course, but I never really think about that when it comes time to get my lazy butt off the couch and get in the shower. Worthy pursuits have included lounging with my kittehs and chatting with Sarah. And playing games. I could seriously improve my Sundays. I usually stay up too late on Sunday's too, which makes Monday interesting.

Then we're back to the weekdays.


Rebecca said...

Busy busy busy!! I think it's a worthy goal to revamp your Sundays a little. We sure miss you lots! Thanks for posting!

Jan said...

Busy times for sure -- so much going on and so much that has to be done. Just know that there are a lot of us who read your thoughts and miss you when you're too busy to blog.