Friday, September 12, 2008

Happy Thoughts

Today we're looking at the glass half full. At least for one post. Here's some happy stuff:

1. I am learning a lot from being the webmaster for my school.

2. Baxter, Blondie, Viola, and Lady are all great cats. Everybody loves Baxter. And I mean everybody. It's kinda weird.

3. We're starting to actually create web pages in Web Mastering and programs in Computer Science. I hate the preliminary worksheets, forms, and lectures. I love it when we start getting into the meat of the courses. It's really cool to see the students when they figure out what to do.

4. Mom and Sarah have offered to help me organize my Magic: The Gathering cards so I can start eBaying them. The cash would be great, and I'd love to get them out of my room. I've gotta get the Inu Yasha cards going too.

5. Students from years past are constantly stopping by my classroom or yelling hello at me in the halls. It's nice to know that they actually liked me.

Just thought I'd add some good things in here. I'm really busy, tired, stressed, and upset about Sam, but there are still a lot of great things going on.


Anonymous said...

You are a good teacher and a great person and I think I can say this as someone who knows you well. And I have no bias, whatsoever! Love you lots!


Rebecca said...

This is a great upbeat post :) I am glad you are learning so much and it's great that people are recognizing your hard work!

Jan said...

So glad things are looking up. And I am 100% sure that those kids not only like you, they love you.