Sunday, October 5, 2008

President Deiter F. Uchtdorf

For anyone who doesn't know who President Uchtdorf is, he is an apostle of Jesus Christ. If you would like to learn more, a great place to start is, where you can find more information about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

I am grateful for President Uchtdorf. When he was a newly called apostle, he presided at my Stake Conference (a regional meeting). I was going through my divorce at the time. I was feeling like an incredible failure. Sometimes I wondered if I was doing the right thing. I also felt like I might be judged for my decision.

Since I volunteered to sing in the choir, I was able to sit in the front. I don't remember what President Uchtdorf said, exactly. He spoke about marriage and divorce. I felt like his message was directed straight at me. Far from condemning me, His words comforted me. I couldn't stop crying. The Spirit confirmed to me, beyond a doubt, that I was making the right choice. Although I don't remember them, I needed to hear the words he spoke. At that time I also received a witness that he is an apostle, called of God. I was able to shake his hand at the end of the meeting. I blubbered some sort of thank you, but I don't know if he understood my words. I am thankful that he is willing and worthy to be on the Lord's errand.


Jan said...

I love him. Everytime he stands up to speak, I feel the spirit and I too feel that he is talking to me alone.

What a great conference.

Rebecca said...

Yeah I think he's my fave. So eloquent and inspired.

tiburon said...

Love Elder Uchtdorf. He has such a soothing speaking voice too :)

Megan said...

Did you notice how he pronounced "Moroni" in his talk this weekend? It sounded like, "Moronee". He's fantastic. =)