Sunday, July 20, 2008

I don't feel like posting.

I've been back from Dallas for a few hours. Pizza in my tummy, kitties chasing each other around, book calling for me, tired legs, and a lovely headache. Traffic from Dallas was Slow 'n' Go. Stopping only once or twice, but no opportunities for using my new cruise control.

Uh. Haven't blogged in a while. Haven't felt like it. But since many people apparently keep tabs from these things now, I felt obliged. Not like it's a huge deal or anything. I actually think of stuff to post all the time. But like so many things in my life, I plan, but don't follow through. If I could ever get the mobile blogging feature to work, I might do that.

My car came in on July 5. It's totally awesome. I even programmed the stereo to display "Hi Rachel!" when I turn it on. We're on a first-name basis. I think the best thing is the sense of freedom. I am incredibly indebted to Sarah for letting me use her car, but it was her car. Now we both have cars, although we're still going to carpool to work. And the gas mileage is nice ... 32 mpg on the trip between SA and Dallas. Spent a bit of time with the manual. I need to finish reading it.

Soon thereafter, I started reading the Stephanie Plum novels. I'm on number 12 now. My time has pretty much consisted of sleeping, eating, driving, helping Rebecca, crocheting, and reading. Yup. That's about it. Reeeeeeeeeeeal interesting.

I got very bummed around the seventh, which adds to the not wanting to blog. Part of me wants to blog about why, another part wants to add pictures, and the last part wants to pretend it never happened. The last part won for now. Sorry, no juicy details.

I'm just putting all my excuses out there.


Rebecca said...

Awww... but it's nice to see you post nonetheless. Really good to see you too :)

Jan said...

Glad to see you again -- so great that you could go spend a little time with Becca and family -- hope you are feeling happier by now.

tiburon said...

Glad to see you back. Although I do love me some juicy details!!