Saturday, June 28, 2008

New Personal Record

I've never read three books in less than 36 hours. I just got lost!

I was staying over at the folks' for the night and Mom mentioned that I was welcome to read anything she had around. I've heard people like my sis-in-law Tib bubbling over about the series, so I decided to give it a few trial pages. The result: me staying up waaaaaaaaaay too late. I finished the book the next afternoon, then proceeded home to the next two books in the series that I knew Sarah had.

I think I have perfect timing. The fourth book will be released at the beginning of August. I'm not very patient, so I think the late exposure will result in less angst. Good things, good things.

I get sucked into romantic stories. I'm a sucker for characters like Edward (pun not intented). And Bella's inferiority complex seems somewhat familiar.


Megan said...

Hehehe, I'm glad you like it. My mom, aunt, and her friend are having a sleepover and going to Barnes and Noble and midnight the night the fourth book comes out. I'm invited too. But part of me thinks it might just be because it's at my house.

. . . . . . . . . said...

I love these books. Now I just have to read the third one!