Thursday, June 5, 2008

My Graduates

Yesterday was the last day of school. Today was the last day of work. And tonight I went to graduation.

To be truthful, I didn't want to go. The teachers were required to work graduation, i.e. guard a door. Boooring. You stick around until the processional is done, then you can jet.

It was somewhat interesting watching the fashion disasters, girls trying to walk in too-high heels, and the line at the concessions stand. The band was even playing football game tunes, including "Thriller". And you know how great that sounds coming from a high school band. It felt more like a sporting event.

Until the processional began.

I started thinking. The place was packed full of people. Thousands of them. Whole families were gathering to watch one, maybe two, of their kids graduate. But I had them beat by far. Dozens of my kids were graduating. And they do every year.

I found myself wanting to stay, to watch each of them walk the stage. But the coliseum was packed and I don't do well in big crowds, especially by myself. So I fought back tears of gratitude until the end of the processional, then slowly walked back to the car, making sure to get a program on the way out.

They may not be my children, but they are my kids. And I love them.

Good luck, Class of 2008.


Jan said...

I love it that they become your kids. That's how all my seminary kids, my former YW, my Primary kids all become to me as well. I think they need that -- you're a wonderful teacher.

Rebecca said...

You are so awesome. we need more teachers like you.

. . . . . . . . . said...

You are completely correct. You rock, woman.

Megan said...

You rock. Your kids are lucky.

tiburon said...

Aww how sweet. I love that you care so much about your kids! It is nice to know some teachers feel that way :)