Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Playing Chicken

This post is going to make my mother pee her pants.

Every time this month, I play chicken with the bank. So far, I'm the undefeated champion. (Knock on wood. Or pray for me. Whatever.) My paycheck gets deposited at 12:01 tonight, so about two days before, I started spending it. This is the usual pattern.

I keep meticulous track of my money, and I'm well aware that it generally takes 2 business days for bank/credit card transactions to clear. Looks like I'm going to win again this month! I better quit while I'm ahead, though. One of these days I'm gonna lose. Losing is expensive when you're messing with a bank.

Random Observation - Blogs and other web pages that automagically play music when they load are abso-freakin-lutely irritating.


tiburon said...

Rachel you make me laugh like nobody's business. Good luck with the chicken. I have done that once or twice. Maybe I should try it every month - just to spice things up...

Rebecca said...

Mwahahah!!! It keeps life exciting, right? :)

Jan said...

Loved your random observation with the blog music. That's why my speakers are turned off. And I'm with you on the game with the bank - - we did it for years and I got very good at it although it's pricey when you lose.