Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Roadtrip Restrooms

I was thinking about various complications that arise when you just can't hold it anymore on that long road trip -- and you can't find a reliable establishment for relief. For guys, it's usually not much of an issue. For the ladies, well ...

I have a few suggestions on what to bring for that inevitable, yet disgusting occasion.
  • Toilet paper ... who knows if they'll have any. Charmin sells a travel pack of toilet tissue that can be kept in a glove box - or wherever.
  • Toilet seat covers ... most places don't have any. And who knows what evil lurks on the backwoods convenience store toilet seats. These are also available in travel packs, but they are a bit harder to find. Some people suggest improvising a makeshift cover out of toilet paper, but I usually can't wait that long.
  • Hand sanitizer ... something you should have already. Very helpful if the soap is out, or they don't have a way to properly wash your hands.
  • Sanitizing wipes ... in addition to the hand sanitizer or by itself. Necessary for the moments when you really need to ... ahem ... wipe something off that isn't where it should be.
Feel free to leave other suggestions ... these are just a few thoughts on the subject.


Rebecca said...

Great comments from the ultimate bathroom expert :)

Unknown said...

have a cathetor put in before you leave? i've considered taking the kids' portable potty with me on the road. just a thought...