Sunday, July 29, 2007

Holes in your eardrum

**** WARNING: This post may contain whining, complaining, and/or self-deprecation. Deal with it. ****

So, the ENT appointment yesterday was short, but very helpful. When the ENT saw my ears, he said, "well, the left one looks like hell, and the right one's even worse." So, I'm on a "whopping" dose of antibiotics, decongestant/expectorant, and stertoids.

If it doesn't get better by Friday, I get to have ear tubes put in. Expecting the worst, I've looked up information on the ear tubes. Not too common on adults. I found a couple videos of the actual surgery, and it doesn't look bad - especially compared to the other stuff they're done in my sinuses. They just make a small incision in your timpanic membrane (i'm smart). They suck out anything that was stuck behind it, and insert a grommet-looking tube into the hole. It actually reminds me of a bobbin. Ta-da! Instant pressure relief and minimal to no loss of hearing. There are a couple of possible complications, of course.

But --- hopefully, the drugs will work before then. It would be considered surgery, even though they'd do it in the office, so I'd have to pay a 10% co-insurance on it. Which I don't have right now.

So far I've had 5 prescriptions filled for this thing ($129.26) in addition to the 9 usual monthly prescriptions I have per month. But without insurance, my eardrums would burst or I'd have serious permanent hearing loss. Somewhere, some healthy person in my company is paying their monthly insurance so I can have my drugs and surgeries. Actually, it's probably a large group of them. Hats off to healthy people. Thanks.

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

Hey Morgan's had two sets of tubes and even though she's a whiner she did really well with them. You'll do just fine. She didn't even need pain relievers. If you need anything, let me know! I hope the meds can clear it up!