Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The Mother of Fun Fur

If you knit or crochet, you know about fun fur. Perhaps it may be possible to make something attractive with it, but usually you get items like the ones found in this blog:

He!He!He! That Tickles! - What Not to Crochet

I believe I have found the origins of fun fur. (Click on the picture for a better view.)

I was browsing the local Half Price Bookstore's craft section when I stumbled upon this monstrosity. The book, Better Homes and Gardens Complete Book of Knitting Crochet & Embroidery, was published in 1977, but that's no excuse! It looks like it's going to eat the baby. The pattern is even worse. Part of it reads as follows:

Cut rem balls, of all colors, into 5in lengths. Following chart knot 2 strands together around every dc on the piece. Trim strands to desired length or leave shaggy.

There are 2,448 double crochet stitches. In other words, you would have to tie 2 short pieces of yarn around a part of the blanket 2,248 times. I'd rather be disemboweled, stuck with hot pokers, skinned alive, and quartered! In a sick way, it makes you grateful for today's "fun fur". A very, very sick and twisted way.

1 comment:

Karen said...

Sounds like a good ways to keep a bunch of kids very busy for a very long time. Too bad you would have to tie them down to do it.