Thursday, February 26, 2009

A Little Explanation ...

I haven't posted anything in a long time. Most of you are family, so you already know what's up. When Baxter died on December 11, it hit me really hard. It was so unexpected. He was getting a treatment that was supposed to cure his hyperthyroidism, but they think that his body just couldn't handle the rapid change. It was the first time in the 10 years that the vet had been performing this procedure that a cat had died. The treatment involves radioactive iodine, so it took a little while to get his body so we could bury him. Thanks to Mom and Dad for letting me bury him in their backyard next to Sam.

To say that I miss him is an understatement. Just writing this out is really hard for me. I know that many people don't understand how I can be so upset about a cat. Simply put, Baxter was my best bud. I don't think I can adequately describe how much of a comfort he was to me. He literally saved my life. He was always there for me.

Maybe I'm strong enough to go on without that help now. Maybe that's why the Lord saw fit to take him. I am no longer in an emotionally abusive relationship. My bipolar disorder is under control. I have been able to buy a car, I'm paying down my debt, and I'm looking into the possibility of buying a house sometime in the next year or so. Maybe there's some other reason altogether.

I couldn't blog about my life without talking about Baxter's death, because it had a large impact on me. Now that it's out there, I think I may be able to post some more.

Forgive the crappy photography, but this is the best picture I have of him sleeping on his back.


Unknown said...

so sorry, girlie. i'm so sorry it's been so hard on you. i'm so glad you can look at your blessings. you are doing awesome! hope to hear more about what's going on with you here on your blog. thanks to facebook,i get small doses here and there, which i quite enjoy! :)

Karen said...

Baxter was special. Even the little ones loved him. We all miss him. We love you. Thank you for your thoughts and the pictures.

Rebecca said...

I'm so glad to see you post again. I am proud of you for doing so well. Look at how far you've come!

Megan said...

So glad you're back. I'm sorry to say that I don't know how you feel, but I hope things continue to get better for you. I'm excited to hear more from you.