Sunday, March 2, 2008

3 Mini-posts ... All in one!

That's Trash!
As Sarah discussed in her post, we discovered this afternoon that our neighbors had stolen our trash can. I tell ya, this is one of those things that makes me count the minutes until the second coming, or rather wish that I could.

Personal Service at Walgreens
I walk into the pharmacy and the lab tech says, "I'll be right with you, Miss Erickson." This is not the first time. I guess with all 13 prescriptions, they better know my name by now. Thank you, tax-free medical spending account!

What a Gay Evening
Once again I will address a situation Sarah discussed in her own post. The gala last night was ... amusing. Everyone kept pronouncing gala as gay-la. My camera's battery was dead, so I didn't get to take covert fug photos as I had hoped. I was expecting some ugly dresses, but there were some real doozies. Everyone there was so pleased with themselves. Blech. The food was fantastic, but if the $150 a head went directly to the foundation instead of food, decorations, and ballroom, they'd raise so much more money. I'm going to ask for some of it to buy some books, but geez people. Get over yourselves.


Unknown said...

hee hee. mini posts rock. great update.

tiburon said...

What a bunch of stupid neighbors! Sorry about the gayla :)

Jan said...

You do the same thing I do -- I sit at stuff like that and wish they'd just have divided up the cash it cost to throw the thing and let us stay home.