Thursday, August 9, 2007

Purple Stuff

Purple is seriously my favorite color. Not just the pinkish purple though. The purple with more of the blue hues in it.

If you plan on giving me a gift (no occasion required *wink*), make it purple and it will be that much better.

Today Sarah and I painted a wall in my bedroom purple. The exact color is difficult to describe, so here's a picture.

It's not much of a wall. Mostly closet door and built-ins, but the color really warms up the room. It makes the room feel like it's mine. Up until now it has felt rather transitory. Odd how paint can do that.

I've been living with Sarah since Thanksgiving '06. She saved my proverbial butt. I was living in an unsafe apartment complex by myself after my separation, and I don't do well living by myself. I really don't do well living by myself. It has been interesting getting all of our stuff to fit in this 2-bedroom duplex. We actually just got everything put away.

It looks like we'll be roommates for a while, which is ok with me. We worked out early on many of the potential hazards of rooming with your sister by drawing up a roommate "contract". We don't mind talking it out when one of us is being irritating, either. She's the best roomie I've had ... including my ex when we were "happy".

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

What a nice post! I'm so glad you guys are settling in so well! Love you!